Friday, March 30, 2007

Chapter 9: Partnerships

I feel like this is a chapter where I can do a little more ranting and a little less repeating of the facts. Is this a dangerous feeling? Probably, but I'm going to do it anyway!!!!

First off, what teachers are getting free laptops, trips, or money for being a spokesperson for a product, and why has my wife never been offered these option? Not that she'd take it, and not that I'd take it either, but the most that I have seen offered is software to use with a specific book and a tote-bag (We all know how much teachers LOVE their tote bags!!!)

To those who say schools should be free of partnerships because just having and using the products becomes an advertisement, I say it is not that simple. Schools cannot afford everything that they need to make education accessible to everyone, especially when school officials are only getting a fraction of the money they asked for (Spotsylvania County)!!!
These partnerships allow schools to take money and move it from one high need area to another when a business partner helps them out. What I don't understand is why there are not better partners. What do I mean by better? Chick Fil A does a lot in Spotsylvania County from having special Spirit Nights(where money goes back to the schools) to regular donations of money and food, but where are the companies that could make a HUGE difference in a school? Where are Microsoft, Dell, HP, Gateway, Apple, and Toshiba? I am not trying to minimalize or disrespect Chick Fil A, and what they do, but schools need technology before they need chicken nuggets!

Since this class is about technology, why aren't these companies donating computers to states or selling NEW computers to them at extremely low prices-low enough for EVERY SCHOOL to be able to afford them for EVERY STUDENT????? Why is Microsoft not donating operating systems, servers, and internet service? I find it hard to believe that these companies could not find a way to furnish technology to every school and not come out with something: brand loyalty from the students, teachers, and community, free publicity, and GIGANTIC tax write offs-what more could they want?

Is my ranting a little over the top? It could be...but while I am sure all of the tech companies mentioned are donating to education and giving schools "deals" on technology, what I don't see are Washington DC (or any other high crime, high poverty, low income, urban area) schools getting computers for all of their students and their buildings wired for a network.

Let me make sure I state that I am not against these partnerships by any means. I would actually be for more of them, if the right companies were involved. Yes, it is easy for me to sit here and say what these companies should do, and no, I do not know everything that they do. As I said before I am sure that they all contribute massive amounts to education, but in this case I am hoping for a more public and concrete donation. I personally think that if one of the tech companies came out and donated computers to an entire school district (or state of school districts), the free publicity and the brand loyalty that would be generated (plus, don't forget the tax breaks), would pay off ten-fold...but I guess I could be wrong too...

1 comment:

Teresa Coffman said...

I heard a podcast by Alan November. It was titled, Leadership: Managing the Transition (check out november learning at apple itunes). This podcast discussed this very issue. Why are companies not supporting education more?